Friday, September 16, 2011

Lets Get Ready To Rumble!!! Cotton Patch Challenge!

Well we made it to Greenville, Texas in one piece! At least without to much whining, are we there yet? We checked into our hotel, went to pick up race packet and then ate dinner. Now its time for bed.

Carter is sooo excited yet a little nervous. We told him to relax and have fun which I know is easier said then done. We told him its not about where you finish its about having fun and raising awareness for CMT. He siad he knows but just wants to finish race strong. I know without a doubt he will give 100%.

He ate a big dinner to insure he will have plenty of food for ride and went to bed early since we have to be there at 6:55 am so we are up at 5:30am, yep that's right 5:30! What the heck was I thinking? Of course it's like 10:45pm n I am still blogging and posting updates on facebbok n twitter.....need sleep!

It started to drizzle tonight we are hoping for sunshine in morning. especially since this is his first race and he has never ridden in rain before. We haven't had any here in Texas! News says at race timeitwill be 72 so we are hoping they are correct.

Carter's race will begin at 7:55am and is 31 miles long. Sean, will be driving to checkpoints to check on him and me,my mom and his brother's,Zach n Ayden will be there at beginning of race and then head over to finish. We will be taking lots of pics and posting them.

I actually think we are more nervous then Carter! Sean is busy getting all race gear ready and checking bike. He has double,triple checked all gear and has water and sport bottles ready. I on the other hand don't know anything about cycling so I am in charge of other kids and raising awareness and cheering!

Unfortunately, I am sicker than a dog and don't have much of a voice, so my normal loud mouth will not be up to par tomorrow. None the less, I will be cheering with what little voice I have left. Cause that is what mom's do!

Wish us luck, well Carter luck! Please send us tweets @carterschalleng on twitter. I will be tweeting before, during and after race. Yes, our twitter is carterschalleng without the e because the e made it too long....

Until Next Time......GO CARTER!

"Stay Strong, Believe!"Carter Hayes

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy 16th Birthday Carter!!!!!

Ten years ago Carter was born during an emergency c-section. Carter was called a miracle baby at the hospital. He was only 3lbs 11.5 oz! I knew he was special from the moment he was born and that he was meant to do great things.

I just didn't know that these great things would be centered around Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease.  That on his sixteenth birthday we would be doing fundraisers to raise awareness about a disease he and his brother suffer from. I didn't know that the great things he was born to do would be about him taking a stand against a disease and help raise funds to find a cure for him and his little brother, Zachary.  What I did know is how strong he is and how he won't back down from anything.  

 Carter fought his way into this world and he is still fighting.  Defying all odds when he was in the womb and defying all odds throughout his 16 years. Carter is my hero and Carter is my guardian angel.  I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful child and to have the opportunity to watch him grow from a little boy into a handsome, smart, thoughtful, strong young man. 

Carter, I love you and I am so proud to be your mom.  The way you have stepped up to be such an inspiration to not only your younger brothers, but to others who have CMT is just simply amazing.  You make me want to be the best mom I can be for you and your brothers and sister.


Until Next Time...................WHO INSPIRES YOU?

"Stay Strong, Believe"~Carter Hayes

Monday, September 12, 2011

Looking back 10 years to 9/11 and Where We Are Now-Carter-Turns 16 and Cotton Patch Challenge!

Tonight I was on Facebook and one of my friends Sara posted something that just really rang true(see below.)  I guess this week is not just a big week for Carter it is for me as well.  My first born son, my guardian angel is turning the big 16.  Sixteen is one of those big bdays because it symbolizes more independence, responsibility and maturity.  Sixteen is when they get their drivers license which is a huge responsibility and leads to discovering new freedom. They become more aware of their future and start to seriously think about College and their future.  All of these things leave me as a mom longing for the days when he was 6.

10 years ago on September 11 2001 we lived in Seattle, Washington.  Carter was turning 6 on the 15th and Zach was just 8 months old.  I remember waking up, getting everyone ready to take Carter to school,we dropped him off and went to go get my coffee at my fav coffee drive thru.  When I pulled up the lady said "Oh my god can you believe what is happening?  I looked at her a little puzzled, I had no idea what she was talking about and would have never guessed at what she was about to tell me.  It all seemed like something out of a movie, could this really be happening here? In America?  I quickly turned on my car radio and tried to call my husband but couldn't get through, so I tried the school and couldn't get through.  At that point I just started driving back over to the school to go pick up Carter.  Since no one seemed to know if and when there might be another attack.  When I arrived at Carter's school there were a ton of people there doing the same thing. Pulling their kids out in order to assure their safety.

I remember Carter asking me questions and having to explain what was happening but not leading on that I too was afraid. I told him when we get home, go downstairs and play in the playroom while mommy watches the news and makes some calls.  I told him don't worry, its going to be o.k. 

I remember watching the towers go down and my heart sinking.The Pentagon and shaking my head  and I remember hearing about United 93 and thinking what amazing heroes!  I also remember that night we were all in fear, fear of the unknown.  Would they strike again?  If so where? As Sean and I lay in our bed that night we could hear fighter jets flying over.  Something you don't hear to often.  At times they were so low it sounded like a big boom.  It was a night of little sleep. 

Carter woke up the next day and of course was concerned about his bday party we had scheduled.  So I got back on the phone and started asking the moms what should I do?  We all decided the kids really needed the bday party still.  They were only 5 and 6 and really didn't need to understand the full complexity of what had just happened.  Plus it gave us adults time to comfort each other.  So the party went on as planned.

Fast forward 10 years and here we are 9/11/2011 planning his 16th bday and his first road race with CMT at the Cotton Patch Challenge.  Please pray for him to do well and have a great time.   Amazing how time flies and how life has changed.  We are now in Texas and Zach and Carter have Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, something I never even imagined would happen.  Yet, here we are getting ready to celebrate his 16th bday in a couple of days and watch him take on CMT head to head.  Am I worried yes, but Sean thinks I am a worry wart.  I think I just love my kids an awful lot.  On September 15th he will be 16 which for me means, he will be gone in two years to college, he will not need me as much as he used to, he will ignore me more often, choose his friends over me and maybe even a girlfriend over me! I hope he will always remember just how much I love him.  How when he doesn't come home on time- mom doesn't sleep.

I know I will make it these next couple of years but it is going to be a rough rode emotionally.  I know its time to let go a little but I am just not there! This whole post came from a post from a friend and it just happened to hit me on 9/11 and on his Sixteenth Bday week. 

I've made mistakes being a Mum, more than I'd like to admit. I am not perfect at all. But I will always be there for you, to hear you, to cheer for you, to laugh or cry with you, to protect you with my life and tell you things you don't want to hear. I will love you forever, even when you don't love me. No matter how old you get. No One will ever love you more than I do, because I am your Mum. Re-post if you have children that you love with all your heart ♥♥♥