This week has been a crazy busy for my family and I. Let me first say my thoughts and prayers go out to those who were at the Boston Marathon. Such a horrible tragedy and I will pray for all those affected. Another horrible tragedy in West Texas happened tonight. My thoughts and prayers are also with those in West, Texas. What a week.....
This week is my last week to train for my first triathlon! As many of you know the Caveman is a sprint triathlon held in my home town of Flower Mound, Texas. I just found out that the decided for safety reasons to redo the course! So we will now be riding 14 miles instead of 13! Just to recap the swim is 275 yards, bike 14 miles and run a 5k! My coach, Will told me to take it easy this week, wind down for the race. Not to push to hard but still swim, bike and run to keep my endurance up. The great thing is I get to eat a ton this week. My mom is making these great dinners for me lots of protein and a ton of pasta and potatoes. Thanks momma Hayes.
We went to Bicycles Plus to pick up my race packet tonight. My race number is 63! Oh yeah! In the packet was a bunch of free goodies, a shirt and hat and of course the packet about the race rules and procedures. Getting really excited about race and a little nervous. Found out that the transition station opens at 5:45 am, this is where I will put my bike and transition between the swim and bike and the bike and run. Body markings begin at 6 am, yes I get body paint, oh yeah! Then we line up at 6:35 for race meeting and to get ready for the swim portion. All Cave people report at 7 am for the start of the race! Praying for great weather, not the hot and humid weather we have been having. So far weather guys say it will be 50 or so when we start the race. Not bad hoping for it to be a little warmer but we will see. WISH ME LUCK!
Remember, pain is temporary, quitting is forever. Believe me I know, I live with pain from my CMT but it is temporary, it does subside. If I quit running, cycling, swimming or my triathlons that will last forever. I will always remember that I gave up. SO DON'T GIVE UP! KEEP FIGHTING THE FIGHT!
Until Next Time.....Fight the fight and always, always "STAY STRONG, BELIEVE"
Carter Hayes
#Prayers4Boston #CMT
I started this blog shortly after my two sons were diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, no it has nothing to do with your teeth! Carter and I blog to tell about our journey with CMT, the ups and downs, trials and tribulations and to raise awareness. I hope this blog helps others who are affected by CMT and those who caregivers. Finding A Cure One Step At A Time!