I cannot believe that October 3rd is finally here! No more waiting...Scottish Rite here we come! Both boys are going to be seen tomorrow and we are expected to be there all day. I am so thankful that we got in so soon, even though it seems like its been forever! Just so grateful to the wonderful Doctors who helped get them in so soon.
I have all the paperwork they requested filled out, all the medical records and orthotics ready! I am really hoping we will get some answers tomorrow but I am not counting on it.
There area a couple of things that I really want to happen tomorrow. One is for them to tell us what is going on with Carter's right leg. His right leg started twitching this last week and we don't know why. It is starting to bother him since it just happens at random times. He will be sitting in class and all of a sudden it starts to twitch. Sometimes it will twitch for a minute or two and other times longer.
The second thing is for them to help Zach with his toes. His big toe is infected and he keeps picking at it but since he cannot feel anything, he keeps doing it. So now it is all bruised from him messing around with it. He is on antibiotics for it but she said they may have to go in and take the nail off! She told Zach I bet you feel that! I just hope they can help us with his toe issues and we don't have to have them take the nail off!
The other big ones for me are Carter's feet, are we going to have to have surgery? Will it help him? How long for recovery? Is it better to wait or do it now? And of course Carter's chest pain and pressure. He says that it comes and goes. His regular Dr. told him last Wednesday no more running at all! At least until we get a stress EKG done and we go to Scottish Rite and see what they say about it. I also really want to know what we can do for Zach's feet too. Even though he doesn't walk on his toes or have the hammered toes, he does have really bad pigeon feet! We will see......
I know we won't get too many answers tomorrow but I am hoping for some great information. I look forward to meeting Dr. Iannaccone and learning more about CMT from her and her staff.
I know I still have not posted the pictures or blogged much about race. I will just still trying to get better. Plus my husband cannot find the pictures! So I am hoping my mom has them!!!! Scary! I tell ya never leave anything up to a man! LOL! Just kidding all you men out there!
To end on a great note, I would like to thank everyone for donating to Carter's Birthday Wish! Because we had so many generous donations he was able to raise a whopping $1164.00! THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! WE TRULY ARE BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH WONDERFUL FRIENDS AND FAMILY. LOVE YOU ALL!
Until Next Time.............Anything is possible if you just BELIEVE!
"Stay Strong, Believe!"~Carter Hayes
I started this blog shortly after my two sons were diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, no it has nothing to do with your teeth! Carter and I blog to tell about our journey with CMT, the ups and downs, trials and tribulations and to raise awareness. I hope this blog helps others who are affected by CMT and those who caregivers. Finding A Cure One Step At A Time!