Can't believe September is already upon us! Awareness month is here! This year I decided to reach out to Governor Perry to ask for a proclamation on behalf of all those affected by Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. Well guess what? I got it! I am happy to report that here in Texas the month of September is officially Charcot Marie Tooth Awareness Month! Now is the time for us to take full advantage of this proclamation and get out there and make some noise!
This September is the first Awareness month that Carter won't be here with us. He is off at college.
Even though he won't be here with us to raise awareness in Texas, he will be helping to raise it in Kansas. He will be telling KU students about his and Zach's disease, passing out CMT and Carter's Challenge bracelets. He said he has already told some of the guys he lives with about it, since they were all asking about his bi-pap machine. He is making a difference just by discussing the disease with others who are completely unaware of the disease. There are several pre-meds at Pearson and they had never heard of it. Maybe, just maybe one of them will do a paper on CMT. Wouldn't that be sweet! They all were all intrigued by disease, how it progresses, what it affects and how it varies from person to person. They were all impressed with how Carter does not let the disease define him.
This month I will be blogging once a week to help raise awareness, share our journey with the CMT, raising kids with a disability and how to not let their circumstances define them. I hope that by blogging more about our story it will help not only raise awareness but help those in a similar situation.
Zach, Ayden and I will be raising awareness by passing out CMT and Carters Challenge bracelets, mailing out CMT postcards to friends and family, posting CMT posters all around town, wearing our CMT shirts and shoelaces and telling everyone and anyone about CMT.
Just remember you can raise awareness and make a difference just by telling your story. For those of you who are not affected by the disease I am asking you to tell at least 5 people about CMT.
What are you going to do to help raise awareness?
Until next time,
Stay Strong, Believe
Momma Hayes
I started this blog shortly after my two sons were diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, no it has nothing to do with your teeth! Carter and I blog to tell about our journey with CMT, the ups and downs, trials and tribulations and to raise awareness. I hope this blog helps others who are affected by CMT and those who caregivers. Finding A Cure One Step At A Time!