These last few weeks have been utterly overwhelming. At times it just seems as though the upward battle is getting steeper and steeper and we will never reach the top. Finding strength to get through the day is difficult at times, sometimes I just want to curl up in bed and cry but I can't. I can honestly say the only things getting me through each day is my faith, my family and a incrediable support group of friends. Thank God for my CMT friends, whom I met through Facebook, of all things. They truly get it, because of course they have been through it or are going through it.
As I said these last few weeks have been difficult to say the least. Both boys are struggling not only with school but with their physical limitations. Zach all of a sudden is showing more signs. Halloween he went out trick or treating with his friends and of course came home in horrible pain. He just did not want to tell his friends he couldn't go any further, so he indured the pain. When he got home he was in tears because his feet and legs were killing him. He was just exhausted. Then the next day they had a Diabetes Walk at school and instead of not participating....he walked! Ugh!!!! He said he just didn't want to be different. Which I understand but he came home and could barely walk through the front door. Again, horrible pain in legs and feet. So we soaked in Epson Salt and warm water and relaxed in the recliner. Oh how I wish I could make the pain go away. I am so glad I have my ARD meeting coming up with his school. I really need some help with making sure he does not feel different yet he isn't causing himself any discomfort.
As for Carter, rough week to say the least. He received his night braces on Tuesday and lets just say it hasn't been fun. First night was really rough, no sleep. For those of you who are not familiar with them let me just say this. Once you have them on, there is no getting up. They are not the most comfortable say the least. First night was really rough, no sleep. He was in pain, so I loosened them up but he also had a hard time getting comfortable, he sleeps on his side. So, we came up with a game plan, if he needs to get up or if he is in to much pain he is to call me. So we keep his cell phone charging on his nightstand and he calls me on the home phone if he needs me. First night, like I said was rough. He even asked if he could sleep with just one brace. Second night a little better. We adjusted it a couple of times but then at 1 a.m. phone rings, he is in a lot of pain in his achiles heal. So off went the braces. He needs sleep for school for crying out loud! Carter did find some humor in his braces last night. He was watching Forest Gump over the weekend , remember Forest had leg braces too! So he made some jokes last night when I put him to bed. Like "Run Forest, run." Which reminded me that we all need to keep a sense of humor in all this madness.
I told the boys we just all need to keep the faith and stay strong. Strength will come from our faith and from each other. I told Carter remember when you were first diagnosed, you said "I am not going to let this disease control me." "I am going to stay strong and believe." You need to remember that time and find that inner strength again. WE ALL DO!
Until Next Time.....Keep the faith!
"Stay Strong, Believe"~Carter Hayes
I started this blog shortly after my two sons were diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, no it has nothing to do with your teeth! Carter and I blog to tell about our journey with CMT, the ups and downs, trials and tribulations and to raise awareness. I hope this blog helps others who are affected by CMT and those who caregivers. Finding A Cure One Step At A Time!