Let me tell you a little bit about the disease to get you familiar with it.
What is Charcot Marie Tooth Disease?
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease is the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy. It affects about 1 in every 2,500 people worldwide! CMT is different than muscular dystrophy where the flaw is in the muscles , CMT is where the nerves that control the muscles are faulty. CMT is a progressive disease that slowly causes muscle weakness and atrophy. The nerves start to degenerate and when this happens the muscles weaken since the nerves are no longer talking to the muscles. CMT affects both motor and sensory nerves. Motor nerves control things like breathing, walking, swallowing and talking. Some people, like my son Zachary, also have sensory nerve damage. Sensory nerves detect sensations such as pain, heat, touch and sound.
Many ask is it contagious? No it is not, it is hereditary.
What are the symptoms?
CMT usually doesn't show up until adolescence or early adulthood, although it can occur from early childhood all the way up to adulthood. The symptoms that appear first are in the feet, such as high arches or curled toes, also known as "hammer toes". When the muscles in the feet weaken it can also become hard to walk on your heels or to flex the foot. Frequent tripping or falling as well as ankle injuries are also another sign. Numbness in feet or legs. Due to the loss of lower leg muscle, calves are skinny and legs can take on a "inverted champagne bottle" appearance. Toe walking after the age of 4 is also another symptom to be aware of.
As the disease progresses it moves from the feet up to the lower legs. This can cause trouble with walking, running, going up stairs, balance and more. It also can cause scoliosis or a curvature in the spine. CMT can also cause muscle weakness in the hands, leading to cramping, curled fingers and difficulties opening jars, writing, fastening buttons and so forth. It can even cause severe neuropathic pain. As I said before some have sensory issues as well, these individuals may have burning, tingling sensations or feel aching in the feet and lower legs. Some will even have a decrease in sensations such as touch, heat and cold. Sensory loss can also include loss of vision, gradual hearing loss and deafness in rare cases.
Breathing difficulties can also occur, when the phrenic nerve starts to weaken. The phrenic nerve the nerve that controls your diaphragm, which controls your breathing. It is rare to have breathing difficulties but when it does occur it can be life threatening.
CMT can affect so many
What is most interesting is that the symptoms in this disease vary in severity, even among family members! One family member may have mild symptoms and another could have sever weakness. There are approximately 70 different types n sub-types of CMT.
Help us find a cure by raising awareness about this horrible disease, the biggest disease no one has ever heard of!
Elizabeth Ouelette's video on CMT