Carter's Challenge was born on the day Carter received his diagnosis of CMT. Carter wanted to be a Navy Seal since he was six, so he enrolled in his High Schools JROTC program his Freshman year. He also competed on the Marcus High School Cross Country Team. When he returned from his JROTC Leadership Camp in June we received his diagnosis of Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. At that moment we were told all of his dreams and aspirations would not be possible. Being the fighter that Carter is he was determined not to give up or let the disease break his spirit. Carter has always been strong both mentally and physically and does not like the word "can't". So instead of complaining about the disease, he accepted it and made adjustments. When life throws you a hurdle you just gotta jump over it and continue on.
Carter enjoyed cycling and was excited to learn that swimming and cycling are good for individuals with CMT, since they are low impact sports. So with Carter's new direction and strong spirit he set a goal to become a competitive cyclist. His hope is that through his perseverance and can do attitude he can help raise awareness and money for CMT research. Carter also wants to show other youths and adults that just because you have CMT does not mean your life ends, you can do whatever you want if you "STAY POSITIVE AND BELIEVE". It is up to you to make the changes and keep you heart, mind and soul strong. This was how Carter's Challenge was born.
And remember like Carter's Uncle Joe always tells him "NEVER EVER GIVE UP!"
Hi Carter,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Allison Moore and I too have CMT. I love your energy and positive outlook on adjusting your life to living with CMT. I'm sorry your dreams were shattered. I believe that your CMT although difficult will give you many blessings in life.
"Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory." Ghandi
God bless!