Monday, August 22, 2011

Are You Ready For The First Day Of School?

The boys start school tomorrow and to be honest I am really, really sad.  I am not usually this emotional before school starts but this year I am. Maybe its because Carter is now a Sophomore, Zachy is in the 5th grade and Ayden is now in Preschool.  Or maybe its because this year is different because of the CMT diagnosis. All I know is I feel more than ever that I am running out of time with them.  

I know that the Charcot Marie Tooth disease is playing a big part in my emotions and anxiety.  O.k. actually a lot.  I fess up I am really worried about how this school year is going to really play out.  I know Carter is strong and positive but how hard is this first day going to be for him?  Is he going to miss Cross Country? Yes, I am sure. Is he going to have a hard time going up and down the stairs with all his books? Only time will tell.  Marcus is such a big school and he counted that he will have to maneuver the stairs about 4 times a day.  Of course, he says "no problem."  The one and only thing that is our saving grace is the length of the classes.  Each class is around an hour in a half.  Plenty of time for his legs and feet to recover.  O.k. I just convinced myself he will be fine.

With Zachy I am more concerned about PE.  He always had a hard time doing certain activities in PE  which sometimes would bring ridicule from others. See he is always the last to be picked for teams because he is slower, can't jump as high and trips a lot.  I have always told him not to let it get to him and for the most part it doesn't.  This year it will be interesting to see how the PE teacher handles his CMT.  The old PE teacher used to really push Zach to run faster or stretch further.  I think she thought he was lazy but really it was his CMT getting in the way. Since he was just diagnosed in July I made sure to inform the school of his disease.  They have been so understanding and are willing to help in anyway they can. Zachy told me today that he is really going to try "extra hard" at PE.  He said "I am going to show everyone that I can do what they can do!"  I think Carter is rubbing off on him! Thank God!

Both boys have horrible writing and its due to the weakness in their hands.  They tire easily when the write for long periods and cursive is super hard for Zach.  The great news for us this year is our school district implemented a new technology initiative.  It is called "Bring Your Own Technology" where kids are allowed to bring their cell phones, ipods, ipads and laptops!  The schools are now supplied with a wifi system that will allow students to access the Internet to research information.  What is so great about it for us is....the boys can take notes this way and they won't have to write as much.  Well at least I am hoping.  We will see... at least now I don't have to request a keyboard or laptop for them in school and have them stick out like a sore thumb.  I'll keep you all posted on how it goes. 

Well, thanks everyone for listening to me tonight.  Just couldn't sleep needed to think this all through....Here's to a great school year for everyone.  Remember to talk with your kids teachers, nurses and administrators about CMT, so they know what your child's limits are.  You are your child's advocate, don't let them down.  I know I am glad I went in before the school year started to inform everyone about Charcot Marie Tooth Disease.  Did you?

Until Next Time..............Make sure your school knows about Charcot Marie Tooth Disease!
"Stay Strong, Believe"Carter Hayes


  1. Wow, this just reminded me of my first day of high school my sophomore year. I actually started the year on crutches, as I was still recovering from surgery a few months before. If I remember correctly, I was on them for about a month. It was intimidating, and difficult to maneuver, but I made it! Carter and Zach will do great! My son starts second grade tomorrow, and I think I'm feeling the same way you are right now! He has ADHD, and now with this seizure thing, I feel ultra-paranoid. Hopefully that feeling will pass soon!

  2. Thanks Melissa! I know we will all get through this. We will all have our ups and downs but together we can do it! I am so glad I have someone like you in my life that actually understands what it is like to have kids with CMT. We just found out that Zach has ADHD too! Scotish Rite tested him over summer. I have seen a lot of post from people who have CMT and ADHD, makes me wonder if their is some sort of correlation? I'll email ya tonight to find out how everything is going up there. So sorry about the scary seizure. I am here for ya if you need to talk.
