Today was just an all around busy day. It is Ayden's 3rd bday and Zach's EMG test. Ayden was sooo excited to go to preschool today to share his cupcakes. It was great to see him excited to go see his friends and have a party. His little personality is really starting to come out. He loved all his presents but I think his Buzz Lightyear is his fav right now. Close second is his Cars 2 Scooter from Nana and Pa. He is riding around the house cause it is 106 or something crazy like that outside. Anyway, he loves his gifts and had a great day overall.
Moving on to Mr. Zachy....Zach actually did much better than what I had anticipated. I had visions in my head of having to hold him down and him screaming and crying, he does that when needles are involved. To my surprise he didn't scream, needed no restraint and actually didn't cry until the end and only then for a brief minute. He did ask a lot of questions. He wanted to know everything Dr. Flores was doing and why and what does it show on the screen. Maybe that was a coping mechanism for him, I don't know....I will say that Zach did get more electric shocks than Carter and since his hair is longer I actually saw his hair move! This along with his legs and feet jumping was extremely difficult for me again. Plus he would say "ouch" or "oh". He did laugh a couple of times when Dr. Flores made his glow in the dark jokes. It was funny cause Zach looked up at me and whispered "Am I really gonna glow in the dark?" I chuckled and said "No honey he is just trying to make you laugh to make you more comfortable." When it did come time for the needles to go in, he did look like he was gonna jump of the table and make a break for it but he didn't. Instead he wanted to see the needle and watch it go in. Crazy! This was by far the worse part for not only him but me. Dr. Flores was not able to do any on Zach's hands because Zach said no more. So what do we know? Zach of course has the same type of CMT as Carter which is CMT2, Axonal. We do not know the subtype yet. Zach is showing more sensory than Carter and a little less muscular than Carter. He did say that Zach will need to get orthopedic insoles for now. He showed me Zach's growth plates on the ultrasound in his legs, wrists and feet. He said Zach has a lot more growing to do. It was pretty cool to see where he was and how much futher he had until the bones fused. He said Zach will be tall which I already figured. Overall, glad it is done and hopefully next week we will have all the results in for him.
Today was a good day. We got one of the hardest parts done and celebrated with a great lunch just Zach, Carter and I. Ayden had a great day at school with his little friends and a great bday dinner, presents and cake at home. I am thankful for Zachy making it through the tests like a true trooper.
Until Next Time............Happy Bday Ayden xo and Zachy I am sooooo proud of you!
I started this blog shortly after my two sons were diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, no it has nothing to do with your teeth! Carter and I blog to tell about our journey with CMT, the ups and downs, trials and tribulations and to raise awareness. I hope this blog helps others who are affected by CMT and those who caregivers. Finding A Cure One Step At A Time!
Happy B-Day Ayden!!!!