Wednesday, July 27, 2011

And Then There Were 2----July 25th

Hmmm...Having a hard time even coming up with the words for what I am about to write.  A couple of words come to mind, unbelievable, unreal and words that I simply cannot put on my blog.  I NEVER in a million years thought that any one of my kids would become ill or have anything serious happen to them. I think we all think and hope for that.  So, when I was told Carter had CMT I was devastated and thought this is unbelievable this cannot be happening!  Well it did and guess what?  Zachary has it too!  Yep, cannot believe I am typing these words right now but it is true.  How do I feel about it....IT SUCKS! I AM PISSED OFF to be honest!  I can kind of understand one child but two?  Seriously? 
Zach went to see Dr. Brown, the Orthopedic Dr, today and after his exam he said "I am so sorry, Zach has CMT too."  He doesn't have the same symptoms of Carter or such severe deformities but he has it.  He has the high arch, foot drop, tight calves and hamstrings.  His feet point inward and he walks on the insides of his feet.  This is due to his ankle being weak.  Carter's ankle muscle is just toast.  He told me since Zach is only ten we will probably see him start to walk on his toes by the time he is Carter's age.  He does not know if Zach will get the hammer toes too or the numbness since each person's symptoms are different.  He did say he wants him to start on the Physical Training immediately due to his tightness in the leg muscles.  Zach will also get the EMG test done sometime within the next week and then he will see the same Neurologist as Carter. 
How does Zach feel about all this?  He took it pretty hard at first.  On the way home he started to cry.  He said "Momma, I don't want to have this disease.  I don't want it! Make it go away!"  I told Zach "Until the day I die, until my last breath, I will search for a cure for you and your brother. That much I can promise!" But as I said those words to him I just kept thinking to myself, am I?  Am I going to be able to find a cure?  I don't know if in my lifetime I will but I will tell you all one thing, I am for sure gonna die trying. Why does this stupid disease have to be taking over our lives?  Why couldn't it have just been Carter?  Why both of them and is this going to happen to Ayden too?  Of course, I don't have the answers to these questions either.  I just know that as their mother I have to try.  Try to find a cure, support research, spread the word, pick them up when they fall, encourage them when they don't want to be encouraged, listen with "open" ears, stay positive and BELIEVE!
I have some questions for all of you?  Are you willing to help spread awareness?  Will you tell 3 friends about this disease so they can tell 3 and so on and so on?  Tell everyone you know about CMT and give them this website so they can learn about the disease and our journey.  HELP SPREAD CMT AWARENESS! WE ARE GOING TO FIND A CURE ONE STEP AT A TIME!

Until next time..........May God Bless Us All xo

1 comment:

  1. We stand behind you 100%. We know know you will do everything you can for the boys. You are the best mom - they are so fortunate to have you fighting for them. Love you all so much.
