Thursday, May 16, 2013

Conquered the Caveman!

I remember my alarm sounding off at 4:00 am and thinking today is the day, the day to prove to myself that I can do anything.  Rolled outta bed and I could start to feel the nerves kicking in.  I start to get ready and then my mom tells me it is only going to be in the 40's this morning!  Really? Really?  Just figures.  We load up the car, eat a small breakfast and head for the race.  My dad and I get there first and its 5:30 and the parking lot is almost packed!  The race doesn't start until 7.  My mom and brothers soon follow. 

It is cold and dark out.  Cold enough to see your own breath.  I get my bike and head over toward the transition center.  There is already a line.  While I wait to get in, they come by and do body markings.  You get your number marked on your arm and on one calf it is your age and on the other your number.  Now not only am I cold, the nerves charge through me.  It is real, I am really doing my first tri!  After setting my bike and race gear up in transition center I head over to pool area to get my timing chip and then line up for start.  The race is sold out!  Over 600 participants! 

Around 6:45 they tell us to line up by number for the start of the race.  I am number 63! Unfortunately, I had to wait outside in nothing but my tri shorts!  It was so unbelievably cold, I was shivering and just wanted to get inside the pool.  I could feel my muscles start to tighten.  Finally, I am up next, I jump in the pool and start to swim.  The swimming was a lot harder than I ever imagined.  I kept thinking just don't stop, keep going it will be over soon.  The water was so choppy in the pool due to so many people in at same time.  I remember getting out of the pool and thinking to myself, THANK GOD that is over, now the easy part. 

I run to transition station I can hear my family yelling GO CARTER! I hurry to put on my socks, bike shoes and helmet.  As soon as I get on the bike I know I got this.  The next two parts of the tri are the easy parts for me.  I love to cycle and I run Cross Country for my high school, so I got this.

As I come up the last hill I hear my dad and little brother, Ayden yelling "GO CARTER, GO!"  Then I come to the last stretch before the transition and I see my mom and brother, Zach.  I hear them yell "GO CARTER! YOU ARE DOING AWESOME!"  Thank God for my family pushing me.  Throughout the race I could hear them yelling GO CARTER!  They split up so my dad and little brother would be at one section to cheer me on and my mom and other brother at another to cheer me on, so I basically had support throughout the whole race.  THANKS GUYS! 

I hurry off the bike and change into my running shoes and start to run.  As I start to run I realize I am almost done!  After the first mile I am hot, tired and my legs and feet are killing me.  All that keeps running through my head is don't give up, push through the pain, do not walk, whatever you do, do not walk!  I look up and there is my mom and brother yelling "You only have 1/2 mile left! Keep it up!"  Thank God is all I can think at that time.  My legs felt like jelly and pains were shooting through my feet and legs.  Then I come around the corner and I see the finish line and surge toward it. 

I FINISHED MY FIRST TRIATHLON!  I DID IT!  I did not finish first, not even in top 100 but I finished!  I came in 245th place and finished in 1 hour 25 minutes.  Plus I was able to wear my Carter's Challenge Race jersey and raise awareness for my disease. 

So remember, just because you have a disability does not mean you give up.  You can do anything you set your mind to. The sky is the limit! 

Until next time...............Don't give up, keep fighting the fight!


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